Our Products


13. 10. 2020
03. 06. 2013



Zodiac we can deliver piecewise or in a whole.
The inner shape has a diameter of 810 mm. The actual signs have a diameter of 260 mm.
Signs may be made ​​of cast iron, aluminum or bronze.
It depends on the customer.

Quick Contact

REX, s.r.o.
Podnásepní 1h
602 00 Brno
Česká republika

Mob: +420 723 161 196
Tel: +420 543 216 842
Fax: +420 543 216 843

Email: rexbrno@volny.cz

Bronze statue in Plzen

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Angel, camel and chrtice in the square in Pilzen.

The sculpture was an important part of the company REX Ltd. in 2009.

Starting fountains: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XFRJDDmSWw

Expedition Chrtice: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0cnXY2T19M

Bronze statue in Plzen

20160601_103147 (2).jpg

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